Upgrading NetCloak
To ensure a smooth transition from NetCloak 2.1 or earlier, be sure to read these additional instructions after installing NetCloak 2.5.
If you are using the NetCloak Plug-In, shut down your web server.
New "NetCloak Files" Folder
We've consolidated the location of all the various NetCloak auxiliary files, as well as the "NetCloak Preferences" file, into a new folder named "NetCloak Files", which is located in the same folder as the ACGI (if you're using the ACGI) or the web server application (if you're using the plug-in). Moving these "auxiliary" files and the preferences file into this folder now allows more than one copy of NetCloak to run on the same machine, with different preference settings.
When NetCloak 2.5 (the plug-in or the ACGI) runs for the first time, it looks to see if a "NetCloak Files" folder already exists. If it does not, then it creates the folder and then copies any NetCloak auxiliary files present in the application's folder into this new folder. It also copies the NetCloak Preferences file from the Preferences folder inside your System Folder into this new folder. Then it renames the old files to make it clear that they are no longer being used (by appending " (old)" to their names).
New Security Settings
To address security concerns regarding Macintosh web server add-ons, we've added a few security options to NetCloak 2.5. You will need to review the default settings of these new options to make sure your server operates the way you expect it to.
- Launch the NetCloak ACGI if it is not already running.
- Select "Configuration" from the "Configuration" menu.
- Click the "Security" tab.
- Note that by default, the new setting 'Only process macros listed in "NetCloak.macros"' is turned ON. This means that NetCloak is prohibited from calling macros in other files. If your web site makes extensive use of the ability of NetCloak to include other files within cloaked pages, you probably want to uncheck this option.
- Also by default, the new setting 'Prohibit EXEC_CGI tags' is turned ON. If your site uses the EXEC_CGI tag, and you are comfortable with the security risk this implies, then uncheck this checkbox.
New Root Folder Settings
NetCloak 2.5 may reside anywhere on your server's hard disk, such as a 'cgi-bin' folder or a folder outside the web server folder heirarchy, and it will still function correctly because it allows you to tell it the location of the root folder to serve files from.
- Click the "Files" tab.
- Check the "Root Folder" path shown. If the specified folder is not your web server's root folder, click the "Root Folder" button and select your web server's root folder.
- If your web server supports multiple root folders, make sure the checkbox labeled "Ask Server for Root Folder" is checked. This will cause NetCloak to ask the web server for the correct root folder for each HTTP connection.
Other New Configuration Options
You should probably also check all the other configuration settings in the "Configuration" window to make sure they are what you expect. Consult the NetCloak User's Guide for more information about the new configuration settings.
Once you are satisfied with the new settings, click "OK" to close the "Configuration" window and save the settings.
If you use the NetCloak plug-in, quit the NetCloak ACGI and restart your web server.
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